Kegel Free Method

You should not have to live in pain the rest of your life.

What if you could pick up your kids without in causing you pain?

What if you were able to have confidence your back isn’t going to give out after a day of work?

What if you could ditch the fear of pain?

The kegel free method

The last pelvic floor therapy advice you’ll ever need… where you come when you’re finally ready to ditch the kegels and stop living your life in pain.

‘The kegel free method’ is your step by step guide teaching you the exact strategies I used to reconnect to my abs after giving birth.

The guilt of not being able to care for my baby was overwhelming..

I couldn’t even stand up straight about 2 months postpartum. I was carrying my daughter in her carseat from the store and went to set her in the car.. I felt a big tweak in my back and I immediately felt pain.

I had to call my husband to come outside and take her car seat back in our house for me. I spent the rest of the day on the couch with ice on my back and my husband had to care for our daughter the rest of the day.

I got into the chiropractor the next day with only slight improvement. I still couldn’t stand up straight.

I felt so frustrated with myself. All the advice online talked about the correlation between a weak core and back pain. So, I joined a popular online program that focused on exercises like crunches, bridges, and kegels.

Fast forward a few weeks, I still had the gap between my abs, my back would still ache at the end of the day, and I still peed sometimes when I sneezed.

I knew there had to be another way…

Does this sound familiar?

Watching your child play wishing you could chase them around to build your connection

Tossing in bed all night long because you can’t find a comfortable position 

Feeling disconnected from your abdominals after a pregnancy or c-section

Longing for the day you can start working out again without having to worry about the bulge in your belly

Trying kegels or pelvic floor therapy before with no improvement of symptoms

Pain-free days aren’t hard to come by.

What’s hard is not knowing where to start in order to make lasting changes so you don’t have to spend all your time and moola on something that isn’t going to get to the root cause of the symptom.

You can’t get out of pain if you don’t find the root cause. And you won’t get to the root cause if you don’t address the POSITION of your ribcage and pelvis.

Over the past 5 years I have dedicated my career to creating a proven method that gets results fast.

Within the kegel free method, I teach you how to become the queen of your core so you can say goodbye to pain and hello to a balanced body. Pain-free days start here!

This will be the last pelvic floor therapy advice you ever need.

What you'll get:

  •  LIFETIME ACCESS to mini-course with exercise videos + all future updates ($499 Value)
  •  Exercises that teach you to properly engage your core, improve postural alignment, and a better understanding of your own body
  •  BONUS: Pelvic Floor Masterclass to dive deeper into the pelvic floor ($199 Value)

Common symptoms Core Connection helps with:

  • neck pian
  • mid-back pain
  • low back pain
  • hip pain/un-even hips
  • diastasis recti (abdominal gap)
  • Difficulty feeling your core engage
  • SI joint pain
  • sciatica
  • groin pain
  • low belly 'mom' pooch
  • chronic feeling of 'stiffness'
  • leaking pee/incontinence

Let’s start living again, shall we?


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What People Are Saying:

There was a time that I thought that my chronic low back pain was just something I'd have to deal with in my life. I'm so grateful to have found Dr. Hillary - I've learned so much about my body and how connected everything is and how I can best steward it for wellness.

Brianna O

$49.00 USD